It's My Rez Day!

Yes, I know it's not Friday, but this morning I realized that today is my Rez Day! Woo! So, it's been four years since I joined SL. A lot has happened in four years. I don't have a lot of newbie (oldbie) pics, partly because I was on a different comp back then, so instead, here's my little crappy Rezday graphic I whipped up, featuring the food fight outfit from ...spoonful of sugar that you can get for free on your Rez Day (someone has to send it to you though).

Skin: Cupcakes - Kawaii 'Coral' : Ancient - $0L - (Hit the Midnight Mania Board. Be Quick)
Hair: Cherry Girl - Hapiko Ayumi FHair Pink - $10L
Outfit: ...spoonful of sugar - Food Fight! - $0L - (Free On Your Rezday)
Eyes: Plastic
Pose:: SHISEIDo?

Thank you all the positive feedback, and encouragement lately-- it has really lifted me up, especially after feeling so unmotivated last week! I really appreciate it. Thank you for reading my blog, and thank you to the content creators who make Second Life what it is; without whom I wouldn't even be here.

I hope you continue to support me in future!
