LoveSoul, JUNwave and BINGO love!

*le-gasp!* Moi blogging a freebie no one else has blogged yet? Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing! No, I can't believe it either. And *squee!* strawberries! Strawberries are pretty much my favourite thing ever ever ever, (apart from hawt SL boys and chocolate). So here's what you do to get this spiffy red visor with strawberry deco. Head over to ++Love Soul++, add the place into your picks by right clicking yourself > profile > picks > add. Now wait 24 hours and you too could be the owner of this adorable item. Thank you ++Love Soul++! I'm so glad I had them in my picks already, thanks to a previous pick-gift. (The cute hair I'm sporting, if I recall correctly). Bear with me on this pic, SL was having all sorts of trouble for me today. Pics not rendering, backrounds not rezzing. Blah.

Visor: - [ Love Soul ] - Sun Viser Cap - $0L - (must have LoveSoul in profile picks).
Shirt: - { Bingo } - Strawberry Camisole - $10L - (gashapon machine)
Hair: - JUNwave - (previous freebie)
Skin: - Romi Skin - Romi 3 - (previous freebie)
Choker: - Katat0nik - Locked Heart Choker - $25L - (I Colour-changed to red. On left on entrance with other cheapies).

The shirt I'm wearing is from {Bingo}, and I can't get the slurl right at this moment. But I LOVE {Bingo}, it's one of my favourite stores, and I'm going to give it some bloggy love soon. I promise!

Before I go, girls, don't forget to grab the Romi Skin 7 from the lucky-board, and the new skin, #8, from the box at Romi Skin. Last I checked though, the group was closed. Bummer. But if you're already part of the group, and haven't got them yet, try now because there's a sign at Romi's saying the luckyboards finish on the 21st. I'm actually not wearing 7 or 8, because weirdly, it doesn't suit Dunneh, but 3, does. So go figure. However, they're still awesome skins and more than worth getting. Check out her full price stuff while you're there.

Well, I'm outies.
