Chikka $10L Sale!

Chikka Designs is having a sale! Everything (excluding poses) is $10L! It's only for two days and it was packed when I went, and I wound up spending waaaaaaay more than I should have. With all the sales and RFL I am one broke puppy! Also, there's a really cute new coat in the subcribo at [AV] Vlodovic. too!

Skirt: Chikka Designs - Gipsyskirt Purple - $10L - (Sale Price)
Coat: [AV] Vlodovic.- $0L - (Subscribo Gift)
Hair: Exile - $0L - Ursula Candy Melt - (Join group. Click store).

Dress: Chikka Designs - VIP dress - $10L - (Sale price).

And LCKY released a new group gift; join the group (search for LCKY) and check notices, and you can get the cute top featured below. It's actually in the store of a friend of hers, so read the group notice carefully for the slurl! I've paired it with various cute sparkly tutus from Chikka Designs -- I couldn't stop at just one. There's a gold and fucshia one I didn't get but I'm thinking of going back. Hmm. And don't forget, that LCKY has some reduced on the 'happy wall' (right hand wall as you enter), so check that out too!

Top:LCKY - $0L - (Join group. Check notices. TP to friend's store, etc).
Tutus: Chikka Designs - $10L - (Each!)

Last but not least, a couple of cute knit tops I picked up, still at Chikka.

Tops: Chikka Designs - $10L - (Each!)
Hair: Tekuteku

Before I go, does anyone know of any cute sims to hang out at and take photos? Like the one featured below (and in my top pic): Victoriana. It's an adorable Victorian Themed sim and the residents are very nice, with the setting extremely well made. I need more places like that; neutral places that aren't affiliated with a particular store or anything; just places to hang out, cute cafe's cute bars, rp sims that allow spectators. The problem with most 'hangouts' is usually they aren't that great looking, or they're a zyngo place in disguise and when you tp there it's wall to wall advertisments and those money chairs-- or alternatively they're really cheap looking and not well made. Usually I make do with cute areas near the store I'm featuring in my post, but I can't really do that if the sim is packed (like when there's a sale) and some places just don't suit. So, let me know, peeps! Mwah!

Here's some out-takes from my Victoriana photoshoot!

I befriended a squirrel!

When in Victoriana, do as the squirrels do!

Well, that's all from me today!

Lovey Dovey,
- D.